Renowned artist Reagan Lee and Associate Professor Linda Tyler from the Centre for Art Studies, with the donated artwork.
Artist Reagan Lee, whose exhibition East/West is on at the Gus Fisher Gallery to coincide with Chinese New Year, has generously gifted one of his signature portraits to the University of Auckland.
The renowned artist, born in China, attended the prestigious Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. After graduating he moved to the Seychelles where he worked as an artist for the country’s President.
Now resident with his family in New Zealand, Reagan is known for his expressionist work painted in vibrant colours.
The donated artwork Self Portrait, 2008, is one of Reagan’s favourite works. The painting is currently on display in the foyer of the Gus Fisher Gallery.
East/West: Paintings by Reagan Lee, was opened last night by Professor Jenny Dixon, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Strategic Engagement). The exhibition runs until 7 March and consists of 20 scroll paintings that wrangle with the idea of God, in both an Eastern and Western sense.
To find out more about the exhibition visit East/West.
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